Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语: Conditional Sentence

Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语交际,讲解了 Conditional Sentence的单词日常交际用法,包含了例句解析以及在情景中 0

Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语:Conditional Sentence

读者 Dean 还问了别的问题,现在继续回答。他问以下哪一句是对的?

1. I would not have failed the exam if I had had three kids to take care of.

2. I would not have failed the exam if I had three kids to take care of.

3. I would have passed the exam if I had not had three kids to take care of.

从文法上来说,第二句是错的。因为以条件式句子(conditional sentence)去表达未能达成的目标时,假设性条件的从属子句应采用过去完成时态而非简单过去时态。所以应改写成 "if I had had three kids to take care of"。

第一和第三句文法完全没有问题。但由于不清楚 Dean 想表达的意思,所以不能判断哪一句是 Dean 需要的。我们试把这两句翻译出来:

1. 如果我要照顾三个孩子,我考试就不会不及格。

3. 如果我不用照顾三个孩子,我考试就会及格。

按照常理,第一句有点不知所云,Dean 所想的应该是第三句。

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