
A:Hello, Lucy. I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing now? 露西,好久不见,最近还好吧?

B:Just so-so. I'm busy with my term papers. 就那样吧,忙着写论文呢.

A:Yeah, the deadline is drawing near. How are things going? 是啊,马上就要交了.你写得怎样了

B:Let me first get some coffee to get my brain working. 我先喝杯咖啡,让脑子清醒一下

A:I could use one too. 那我也来一杯吧。

B:What kind of coffee do you drink? 你想喝什么咖啡?

A:What have you got? 你有什么呀?

B:Well, I have espresso, cappuccino, latte, skinny latte, Americano and restretto. 有意式浓缩咖啡,花式咖啡,拿铁咖啡,脱脂拿铁咖啡,美式咖啡,还有restrctto。

A:Are you kidding me? You have so many choices! What's restretto anyway? 你不是开玩笑吧?这么多种啊,另外,什么是restretto?

B:It's basically a very strong espresso. Half the water pulled through the same amount of beans. Pure coffee esscnce. Ristrctto咖啡是浓缩咖啡的再浓缩,相同份量的咖啡豆,只加入一半 半的水,是纯正的咖啡精华.

A:Sounds like it must be full of caffeine. I want one of those. 肯定有很多咖啡因。那就给我来这种吧.

B:You fiend. It's about the flavor, not the fix. Try an Amcricano. Espresso with water. 你这个咖啡狂!这种咖啡讲求的是咖啡的香味,而不是刺激和快感.要不来点美式咖啡吧,就是浓缩咖啡加水。

A:Sounds a little weak. 好像不够刺激.

B:How about espresso mixed with drip coffee? 那就来点一般的伽啡加滴滤式咖啡.

A:Ok. Thanks. 好的,谢谢


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