How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye it is already 4 years since China acceded to the World Trade Organization ( WTO ). Over the past 4 years China has honored most of the promises it made when joining the WTO, and the fulfillment of some commitments was even ahead of schedule in respect of the intellectual property issue that is of concern to WTO members, China launched a law revamp program and investigated a great number of infringement cases. These efforts have achieved remarkable effect. The Chinese government has also revamped the administrative laws and regulations at ministerial and local levels.
By making and honoring promises that can be counted on, China has shown its utmost sincerity and largeness of mind as a great and responsible country/nation, gaining acclamations from WTO members and international public opinion. At the WTO annual deliberations, China’s efforts have been fully recognized over the years. To accord its domestic economy with the WTO rules, China has manifested strong willingness to undertake responsibility; it has fulfilled its obligations as always and has never wavered.
第一段“转眼间”大部分考生没有译;“知识产权”被译作“knowledge rights”等五花八门的表达;“世贸成员关心的”被译作“concerned by WTO members”或“the WTO members are concerned”,这两种表达都不符合英文的习惯;“侵权案件”很多考生都译成“law violating cases”成了“犯法案件”。“清理了”和“行政法规”被错译成“deleted/eliminated”和“executive law”的例子很多。
第二段中的“一诺千金,有诺必践”,虽然说很多考生翻的和正确答案有出入,但只要意思正确也可以。但“展示了一个负责任大国的襟怀”这段话,很多考生的译文就令人啼笑皆非了,“show the big breast of a responsible country”。“受到佳评”和“受到充分肯定”如果都译成“be praised by”尽管不算错,但表达太单一,也得不到高分。“从未动摇”很多考生译成“has never shaken”是不对的,因为这里的“从未动摇”是指思想上的动摇,因此应该译成“waver”才对。
WTO(世贸)话题是中高级口译笔试和口试的常考话题,这是因为这方面的口译工作最普遍,我们考试的内容都是围绕口译工作常涉及的话题,如:经济全球化(也就是讲WTO的)、招商引资、名校演讲、旅游与文化、大会发言、高峰论坛、改革与发展、科技产业化、 亚太经合、中美关系、一国两制、国际关系、记者招待会等。考题是从口译案例中截取的。