The Department of Foreign languages and Literature at College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University in China invites applications for positions as Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in the areas of Literature in English, Composition in English, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in English, and Translation Studies (English vs. Chinese).
Shantou University, located in Shantou, Guangdong Province, is the only comprehensive university in the eastern region of the Guangdong Province, and serves an area with a population of over 20 million people. Shantou University currently has over 1,500 staff and over 9,000 students working towards Bachelor, Masters and PhD degrees in the Colleges and Schools of Arts and Design, Business, Engineering, Journalisms and Communications, Law, Liberal Arts, Medicine, and Science.
Founded in 1981 by Chinese Governments and Mr. Li Ka-shing in Hong Kong, Shantou University receives significant funding from Li Ka Shing Foundation. Over the past 30 years, Li Ka Shing Foundation has donated and committed over HK$6 billion to the development of the University.
Shantou University has been recognized as a leader in education reform in China. Since 2001, the University has undertaken various reforms with the theme of “Good University Governance for Academic Freedom,” The reform initiatives included governance of academics, finance, resources, human resources; program and curriculum reform, English Enhancement Program, Credit System, Residential Colleges, System Integration based Curriculum for Medicine and CDIO for Engineering and so on. More recently, a university wide Advanced Undergraduate Education reform is being implemented. The reform achievements have been widely recognized by various levels of government, peer institutions and public at large. Recently, the Ministry of Education, the Guangdong Government and the Li Ka-Shing Foundation signed an agreement for joint development of Shantou University. This is a significant step towards developing Shantou University into an internationally recognized excellent university.
The Department of Foreign languages and Literature provides English instruction to English Major students for both undergraduate and graduate programs. The Department is dedicated to excellence in teaching and research work to create a supportive English language and culture learning environment in which students can develop their intercultural communication competence and integrative thinking strategies. The programs stress the importance of both curricular and extra-curricular activities, creating a vibrant and creative intellectual community.
Primary responsibilities are to teach eight to ten hours a week (courses concerning English language skills, linguistics, literature, and/or translation studies for undergraduates and/or graduates); supervise six to eight undergraduate students’ research work and thesis writing per academic year; advise students in extra-curricular activities such as speech, debate, or writing contests; aid junior teachers’ academic work; and to follow College and University policies concerning course and exam scheduling, absences from campus, classroom evaluation, etc.
Candidates should possess a Ph.D. in the related major; age below sixty according to University regulations. Priority will be given to those who have more than 2 years' teaching experience in tertiary institutions, and demonstrate a strong capacity for academic research.
For international candidates, the University provide one annual round-trip ticket from the candidate’s residency to Shantou, paid vacations, subsidized accommodation, and medical benefits.
Details of Shantou University’s salary system are available at
Application Process
Candidates are welcome to send the Application Form (please check attachment), two letters of recommendation with the referent’s signature, and the following materials to Dr. CHEN Huayu at
1. Application letter(including job vision,expected job position, date of availability)
2. A complete and current CV (including education, professional experience, publications and other academic experience)
3. Scanned copies of at least three published articles
4. Photocopies of the highest academic certificate
5. Scanned first page of the passport, which clearly shows the name, picture, and other data
6. Other relevant materials
CHEN Huayu Ph.D.
Phone : +86 (0)754 8650 2213
Fax : +86 (0)754 8290 2214
Department of Foreign languages and Literature
243 Da Xue Road
Shantou, Guangdong 515063
P.R. China
联系人:CHEN Huayu Ph.D.
附件:STU Faculty Application Form
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《STU Faculty Application Form.doc》来源于汕头大学网,最近更新2014年5月27日。
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