上海交大-巴黎高科卓越工程师学院是上海交通大学和巴黎高科教育集团合作成立的工程师学院,是上海交大的二级学院,旨在全面借鉴巴黎高科工程师教育的成功经验,培养具有国际化视野的高层次复合型精英人才。 SJTU-Paris Tech Elite Institute of Technology is a Joint Institute sponsored by Paris Institute of Technology and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
招聘人数:2 名
1、海外名校数学或物理及相关专业的博士学位;具有法国工程师教育背景者优先; 2、法语熟练,具备用法语讲授数学或物理课程能力; 3、英语较熟练; 4、具有良好的团队合作精神。 5、条件特别优秀者,可以申报副教授。 1. Ph. D. degree in mathematics or physics or a closely related field from first-class university in the world is a must. Background in Education of engineers in France will be a plus. 2. Native level French speaking and writing ability required with the ability to teach Math or Physics in French. 3. Skilled English both in speaking and writing. 4. Good at team work. 5. Associate professor position for applicant with outstanding background.
与巴黎高科派来的预科教师合作,承担预科教学阶段的数学或物理教学,并跟据需要完成部分非教学任务。 Cooperated with preparatory course teachers from Paris-Tech to teach Math or Physics in French, and plus usual non-teaching duties.
按照学校统一规定。 According to the rules of SJTU.
应聘材料: 1. 中英文简历; 2. 英文求职信; 3. 两封推荐信。 Applicants should provide materials as following: 1. A cover letter, 2. Curriculum Vitae both in Chinese and English. 3. Two reference letters. 应聘者请从网上提交应聘材料。 All materials should be submitted on line.
TEL:34202941; E-mail:lhzhang@sjtu.edu.cn
更多信息请查看上海市188金宝搏亚洲网址 考试网