The University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute is looking for lecturers to teach undergraduate and graduate students. Primarily an engineering school, the Lecturers for Social Science and Humanity are responsible for expanding our curriculum to the humanities in order to inspire our students who will enter industry or academia with the understanding that all engineering solutions require knowledge of more than one discipline. We are looking for lecturers to work alongside engineering faculty on the prestigious Shanghai Jiao Tong University campus in offering the following courses: History, English Literature, Linguistics, Art History, Psychology, Political Theory, Philosophy, Sociology and other Social Science and Humanity Courses. The curriculum for each subject will be set according to the lecturer''''''''s field of expertise. Each of these courses will be taught in English, and some teaching experience will be required. The job offers competitive compensation, medical insurance, housing allowance and business visa. 上海交通大学密西根学院是上海交通大学和美国密西根大学共同建设的工学院,旨在全面借鉴密西根大学的成功经验,快速建设一个国际一流的研究型高等教育机构。
招聘人数:1 名
1. Doctoral degree in related field; 2. Native level of English (native speaker preferred); 3. Rich university teaching experience in courses like History, English Literature, Linguistics, Art History, Psychology, Political Theory, Philosophy, Sociology and other Social Science and Humanity Courses preferred. 1. 相关专业的博士学位; 2. 英语达到母语水平(英语为母语者优先); 3. 丰富的人文社科课程教学经验,如历史、英语文学、语言学、艺术史、心理学、政治理论、哲学、社会学等
1. Deliver up to 6 classes per academic year, each class typically requires 3/4 lecture-hours and 2 office hours per week for a 15-week semester; 2. Prepare and conduct classes; design homework and supervise examinations; 3. Guide TAs for recitation class and grading; give help to students with difficulty; 4. Maintain a course website containing all the teaching materials and information 1. 每学年教授不超过6门课程,每门课程长度为15周,每周的授课时间为3-4小时,另外有2小时的答疑时间; 2. 根据指定教学大纲备课、授课;设计家庭作业和监考 3. 指导助教进行课程背诵和作业批改工作 4. 维护课程网页,该网页中应包括所有教学资料及相关信息
Application Materials: 1. CV and an essay about yourself to support your application (Please mention in your CV where you read the job ads.) 2. Degree diploma (photocopy) 3. Information of three references If you are interested in the position, please send email to (Please mark the position you apply for in the title) 应聘材料: 1. 英文简历及英文求职信; 2. 学历学位证书复印件; 3. 三封推荐信应聘者请将简历发送至, 请在邮件标题注明应聘职位。
联系人:Wendy Dai
更多信息请查看上海市188金宝搏亚洲网址 考试网