1、考试时间及地点:新HSK二级、四级、六级时间:2015年10月17日上午9:00开始新HSK一级、三级、五级时间:2015年10月17日下午13:30开始考试地点:南昌大学前湖校区基础实验大楼A1区多媒体教室409 (安保楼对面)(2015年的HSK考试时间为4月18日、6月14日、10月17日、12月6日)
3、报名方式:我校考点采用网上报名的方式:网址 http://www.chinesetest.cn具体报名方法如下:注册登录-选择语言-填写注册信息-选择考试等级(HSK一级至六级)-选择“机网考”-选择(孔子学院远程教育中心-南昌大学)考点-填写个人信息-上传照片(用护照号或身份证号命名照片)-完成报名4、收费标准及方式外国留学生:一级150元,二级250元,三级350元,四级450元,五级550元,六级650元。少数名族考生:新HSK一级至四级40元,五级和六级120元收费方式为网上缴费,请仔细核对自己的信息后,在线缴费即可。不缴费者报名一律无效5、联系方式联系人:陶老师 83968740
Notice on new HSK Registration (Network Exam)1、Exam Venue and TimeLevel 2/4/6: 09:00, October 17, 2015;Level 1/3/5: 13:30, October 17, 2015;Venue: Room 409, A1, Basic Experiments’ Building, Qianhu Campus, Nanchang University (In the opposite of Building of Security)(HSK 2015: April 18, June 14, October 17, December 6)2. Registration TimePlease register and pay the registration fee before October 7, 20153. How to registerPlease visit http://www.chinesetest.cn and complete the following steps:Create a user’s name and set your password----log in with your user’s name---choose the working language ---fill in your information---choose the right HSK level you want to attend(1-6) 选择考试等级(HSK一级至六级)---choose“机网考”(network exam)---choose(Confucius Institute Distance Education Center--Nanchang University) (孔子学院远程教育中心-南昌大学)考点--fill in your personal information---upload your certificate photo(name your photo with your passport number or Residence ID number)---complete registration. 4. Registration FeePlease notice that you should pay the fees online, please pay the fees after you verifying your information carefully and the fee will not be refund under any conditions.For Foreign students: RMB 150--level 1; RMB 250---level 2; RMB 350--level 3; RMB 450---level 4; RMB 550--level 5; RMB 650---level 6; For Chinese students of minor-ethic groups:RMB 40 for level 1-4; RMB 120 for level 5-6;5. Contact information
Mrs. Tao: 0791- 83968740
Add:International Education office, International Exchange College, Nanchang University. 6. Kindly reminders: 1)Exam candidates can download and print the admission card by themselves on the exam website one week before the exam, or you can get it in the practice test.2) A practice test will be hosted one week before the real exam, and the time and venue will be noticed by email later;3)Please make sure your passport or residence ID and admission card with you; Otherwise candidates will be refused to take the exam;4) Candidates shall arrive at the exam venue half an hour before the exam time;5) Website for practice: http://mnks.chinesebridge.com.cn;6)The exam results will be available 30 days after the exam on the website http://www.chinesetest.cn;7) Transcript is available 40 days after the exam;
Welcome to take HSK network Exam (New Version)!
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