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 *口语交际:你能解释一下吗 Could you explain it 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:你看起来很痛苦 You look miserable 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:能帮助你我很高兴 I was happy to help 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:生日礼物 Birthday present 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:谢谢你的帮助 I appreciate your help 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:我不擦香水 I don’t wear perfume 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:随便你怎么说吧 Whatever you say 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:你不是想看么 You want to watch 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:出去吃饭 Go out for a meal 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:我记性很差 I have a bad memory 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:我以为你会喜欢 I thought you liked it 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:我喜欢苗条的女孩 I love slim girls 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:从加拿大回来 Got back from Canada 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:你喜欢咖啡么 Do you like coffee 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:你在读什么啊 What’re you reading 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:写邀请卡 Invitation cards 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:我是一个医生 I’m a doctor 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:她是做什么工作的 What does she do 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你什么时候能回来 When will you be back 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:能打扰你一下么 Could you spare a minute 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:他是个会计 He is an accountant 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:我在等公车 I’m waiting for a bus 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你要去哪儿 Where are you going 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:纽约是个好地方 New York is a nice place 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:听你这样说太好了 I\'m glad to hear that 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:很高兴再次见到你 Nice to see you again 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:很高兴见到你 Glad to meet you 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你找到下一份工作了吗 Finding another job 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你是学什么专业的 What did you study 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你怎么来了 What brings you to town 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你喜欢旅游吗 Do you like traveling 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:最喜欢的书 Favorite book 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:畅销书 The best seller 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:要喝咖啡么Want a cup of coffee 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:我懂的不是很多 Not a great deal 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你是什么意思 What do you mean 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:愚人节 April Fool's Day 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你的生日是什么时候 When were you born 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:她多大了How old is she 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:发生什么了 What was the matter 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你吃的太多了 You eat too much 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你减肥了么 Have you lost some weight 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你经常做运动吗 How often do you exercise 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:我变胖了 I\'m becoming chubby 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:我在节食 I am on the diet 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:怎样减肥 How can I lose weight 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:我来自俄罗斯 I\'m from Russia 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:圣诞节采购 Shopping for Christmas 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:情人节 Valentine\'s Day 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:春节 The spring festival 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:乔迁聚会 The house warming party 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:我看到你奶奶了 I saw your grandma 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:健身时间表 Exercise schedule 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你什么时候结婚 When are you getting married 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:婚姻状况 Marital status 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:你结婚了吗 Are you married 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:我结过一次婚 I was married once 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:我还是单身 I\'m still single 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:这里冬天天气怎么样 How about winter 2017-11-20
 *口语交际:我喜欢春天 I like spring 2017-11-20