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 *口语交际:生日派对 Birthday Party 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:元宵节 Lantern Festival 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:兴趣和需求 Interests and Needs 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:大学和专业Universities and Majors 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:谈论歌手 Distinguished Artists 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:我儿子喜欢西餐My son like western food 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:咖啡 Coffee 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:学游泳 Swimming Lessons 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:中场休息 Break Time 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:篮球比赛 Basketball Game 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:海上航行Sailing 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:热身运动 Warm Up 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:水上运动 Water Sports 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:败家子A black sheep 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:她很能干She is capable 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:她人很不错She is a blue chipper 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:他有女朋友了He has a girlfriend 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:胆小鬼A chicken guy 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:她是个无赖A dead beat 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:她是个作家She is a writer 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:这不是件容易的事Not an easy take 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:忙的不可开交Be snowed under 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:我遇到了麻烦I am in hot water 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:单身女孩儿A bachelor girl 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:Tom辞职了Tom quit the job 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:正大光明 Above board 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:机会很小A chance in a million 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你一定是开小差了 Goofed off 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你觉得他怎么样What do you think of him 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:安离婚了Ann had divorced 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:真让人难以置信 This is unexpected 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:他们会和好的 They will make it up 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:走投无路Drive sb up a wall 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:一贫如洗 Hard up 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:我妻子怀孕了My wife is expecting 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:他很后悔 He feel regretted for it 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:他是个混蛋 He is a real bastard 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:兜圈子 Beat around the bush 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:竭力鼓吹 Beat the drum 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:罪有应得 Have it coming on sb 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:这是你的手表吗 Is this watch yours 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:厚颜无耻 Brazen it out 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:决裂分手 Break up 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:这是不可避免的 Its inenvitable 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:我也不确定 I am not certain 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你丈夫能帮不少忙Your husband is helpful 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:可怜的约翰 Poor John 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:他活该 He deserved it 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你要向她求婚吗 Propose to her 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:他被逮捕了 He is in prison 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:指望依靠 Count on 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:严重的问题 Serious problems 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:他是个好人 He's a sensible kind man 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:你脸色很苍白 You look pale 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:你看起来很沮丧Cut up 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:筋疲力尽 Dead beat 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:根除陈旧观念 Do away with 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:他说什么 What did he say 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:他单恋着玛丽 Carrying a torch for ary 2017-11-21
 *口语交际:真搞不懂你 It's Greek to me 2017-11-21